About Us

Welcome to Women’s Web Spot, this newly created website for you. The Elizabeth Cady Stanton Hometown Association in Johnstown NY is pleased to provide this new site for your use and benefit. We ask you to take time to explore the many important areas of this site. Most all are free to you.

Many of us today enjoy the “one stop shopping” format to have our needs met. The three main areas of this site are intended to provide you with that model for accessing needed information.

“Information is power.” The four main areas: Educational Success, Financial Literacy, Political Activism, and Social Connection are intended to assist you in your personal growth and independence. Each area of the site provides many important links connecting you to desired skills, programs and groups that provide critical information and assistance for your benefit. Included are several links to organizations, non-profits, public entities, businesses and institutions. We believe that characterizing certain specific areas of policy as “women’s issues” ignores the reality that “women’s issues” usually impact us all. As women grow in their access to equal opportunities, all family members and the society as a whole will benefit.

The ECSHA is very grateful to the Berkshire Bank Foundation which awarded ECSHA a grant to support this site’s creation and to incorporate their financial wellness program at www.greenpath.com for your use. By visiting this area you can access information important to many areas of financial decisions affecting you and your families.

The ECSHA is a 501c3 corporation, incorporated in June 2008 under the leadership of three women whose intention it was and still is to honor the legacy of Johnstown New York native and suffrage leader Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Community service and educational activities form the basis of most organization activities. ECSHA operates The Sunflower Shoppe in Johnstown NY which provides gently used career and casual clothing for women entering the workforce or returning to it. The Sunflower Shoppe welcomes all shoppers, clothing and financial donations. Please visit our FB page here.

We are a growing organization dedicated to building a membership that will support the organization’s goals, objectives and by-laws. We are a non-partisan group continuing the struggle for women’s equitable treatment in the economy and society, while also recognizing and guaranteeing their equality of rights under the law.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton portrait link to assocation sitePlease learn more about Elizabeth Cady Stanton and us by visiting our main site at www.ecstantonhometown.org

JOIN US to support the mission of women’s empowerment.

Visit us to learn more about the history of the American Women’s Rights Movement and to connect to leaders who are responsible for the rights we now have and those yet to be gained. As we move toward the important 2020 elections marking the 100th Anniversary of Women’s Voting Rights nationwide, we know that we must continue oursuffrage leaders’ legacy of participation in elections by voting and insuring that future elections are fair. It is our obligation as citizens of a democratic society. And many more of us will run for office as well!

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